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10 Tips to Work Effectively with Recruiters

A skilled recruiter can make a world of difference to your employment prospects, especially during the current economic turmoil. A recruiter performs a wide range of roles, from helping you prepare for an interview to providing invaluable advice about how to market yourself.

You could approach a recruiter for their services, or a recruiter might get in touch with you if they think you are a good fit for one of their job openings. Regardless of how you connect with a recruiter, this article discusses some tips that you can use to maximize the benefit of this partnership.

1. Be clear about your objectives

During your first meeting, the recruiter will try to establish the job position, niche, and office culture that is perfect for you. The clearer you are about your future, the easier it will be for the recruiter to match you with a job that is perfect for you.

2. Consider specialist recruiters 

You will find that most recruiters specialize in particular niches, job functions, and industries. To take full advantage of a recruiter’s services, make sure to find one that is a specialist in your field or job type. To increase your chances of landing a job, you could even look for specialist recruiters in multiple cities or regions, although most professional recruiting companies have multiple locations and some of the better ones have nationwide coverage.

3. Make it easy for recruiters to locate you

There are several things you can do to be more visible to a hiring manager or recruiter. Keep updating your portfolios, CVs, and LinkedIn profiles so that you remain at the front of a recruiter’s mind. When they find an opportunity for you, recruiters would also want you to be easily contactable, so make sure that they already have multiple ways to get in touch with you.

You could also write articles for newspapers, websites, or blogs, or stay active within your community by volunteering for causes you feel strongly about.

4. Be respectful

Quite naturally, recruiters are more willing to work with respectful clients. It is important that you remain polite during your interactions. Moreover, it is possible that you might not get a prompt response from a recruiter. However, do not allow yourself to become frustrated, and remember that recruiters are helping numerous other people like you to get employed, and often work 7-days a week.

5. Do not go back on your word

It is important to follow through on your commitments. For example, if you have committed to being at a meeting, do ensure your presence at the decided time. If you do not, it reflects very poorly on you, not to mention that the recruiter’s reputation with the client is also adversely affected.

6. Keep track of your submissions

Make sure to have a clear list of all your job applications. The last thing you want is to receive a call about a position and have no idea about the referenced position.

7. Trust recruiters

When you are struggling to land a job, it is easy to get overwhelmed and question the recruiters’ intentions and efforts. However, keep in mind that recruiters are professionals and are doing what they must to ensure a good outcome for their search assignment.

Moreover, you need to trust that their knowledge, expertise, and connections will play a vital role in your job search. Trust them to point you in the right direction by doing what they do. This also includes not trying to go over the recruiter’s head and contacting the employer directly.

8. Let the recruiter negotiate your salary package 

Candidly discuss your compensation expectations with the recruiter, and they can then forward your requests to the employer. When working with external recruiters, remember that they will almost always ask you about your salary expectations, and they want an honest and upfront answer.

So, do not shy away from this conversation when it happens, and keep in mind that the recruiter is ultimately working for your potential employer.

9. Thank your recruiter

Gratitude towards your recruiter is a simple act that will help conclude this relationship on a good note and perhaps even lead to another one. You could also walk the extra mile and give the recruiter a positive LinkedIn recommendation or Google review.

10. Stay in touch even after finding the job

When you cultivate the right relationship, a recruiter can transform into a lifelong career advocate and advisor. It is also true that you might need to find another job in the future, so make sure that you try and maintain contact with your recruiter for the long-term – something that can be managed with as an email every four to five months, just so that you do not slip off their radar. You could even refer a colleague and help them land a job.

In conclusion, it is true that, when it comes to the job-seeking game, you are your own key player. However, a recruiter can certainly complement your efforts and amplify the chances of those efforts bearing fruit.

Written by Albert Gidge